Join us for worship Sunday morning at 10:00.  Get Directions

Christ The King Anglican Church was formed in the latter part of 2006.  

We are a member parish of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).  Our Bishop is The Right Reverend Alex Farmer and our Rector is The Reverend David C. Allert. 

The Lord brings many new people to Christ The King from various places for various reasons.  Because we are a safe place, many who have been wounded in ministry or by churches have made Christ The King their home.  Regardless of why you come, we warmly welcome each visitor and pray God’s blessings on you and yours always.
 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
1 Thessalonians 5:28
                                                                          The Anglican Church in North America         Logo                                                                                                                                                                     
What is Anglicanism?


Anglicanism is a worldwide body of Christians responding to God’s revelation through Jesus Christ. Anglicanism brings together the authority of the Bible, the historic faith, and the beauty of structured prayer.  It is rooted in tradition, yet contemporary in practice. It is united in substance, yet diverse in expression. We are a global family living out our faith in local communities.

 Our Mission

Love God

with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Become Disciples
for our desire, as pilgrims on the way,
is to become like Him.
Serve Others
for it is in serving others as Jesus did that we show God’s love in us and through us to all people.
Christ The King is the host parish for a new church plant in St. Augustine: DeafChurch First Coast (DCFC). With support from the diocese, DeafChurch Together. and other parishes, DCFC will reach out to those in the Deaf Community across NE Florida and serve as a resource throughout the diocese.
The DeafChurch Together church planting model establishes numerous small groups across a region who meet weekly for “…the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the ‘breaking of bread’ and prayer” (Acts 2:42). These fellowships are encouraged to connect with nearby Anglican ‘Anchor Churches’ across the region for Sunday morning services. This network of small groups gather monthly for liturgical worship, service projects, and fellowship. Christ The King Anglican serves as the headquarters for DeafChurch Together.
Fr. Bob and Dcn. Kathy Ayres established Deaf Teen Quest (DTQ) in 2000, which is now a national ministry model for Youth For Christ USA. Fr. Bob has published two books on Deaf ministry including DEAFCHURCH 21: Vision for a New Generation. In May 2020, Fr. Bob launched an online weekly liturgical service in American Sign Language and available on YouTube. For more information, contact Fr. Bob Ayres at bob.ayres@deafchurchtogether.com.


Please join us Thursday morning at 10AM for Morning Prayer!


Our current Bible study is using the curriculum from New Wineskins, “Anglican Introduction to Missions”. We are all called to be missionaries – the sign at the end of our parking lot before you pull out onto US1 says “You are now entering the mission field”.
The Great Commission – Matthew 28:18-20 – calls us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”. Our mission field is where God has placed us! We do not have to go overseas to a third world country to be a missionary. We have unreached people groups here where we live. We are all called to be missionaries!
This 6-lesson study will explore:
1. Our missionary God
2. The Spread of the Gospel
3. The Unreached People Group Challenge
4. The Ends of the Earth
5. Laborers in the Harvest
6. Praying for Global Missions
Each lesson provides fascinating insight into the history of missions, the challenges and the opportunities. Every week’s material gives us practical and actionable ways to engage.
The cost of the book is $12 and can be ordered from Amazon or through Terri. 
We meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM via Zoom, it’s not too late to join us! For questions, please feel free to reach out to Deacon Barb at 724.344.9241 or chaplainbarbm@gmail.com or Terri at thusberg@bellsouth.net or 904.460.2318.
We hope you will pray about joining us!
The season of Lent is a time of reflection, preparation, study, and service leading up to the great celebration of Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. For 40 days, we put our focus on Jesus and the Gospel as we strive to show Christ’s love each day.
One way we can do this is by doing for others. Again, this year, our Faith Chapter of the Daughters of the Holy Cross is providing bags for “40 Days…40 Items”. Each day in Lent, we will take one non-perishable food item and place it in our bags. The bags are to be all food.
The bags are available throughout the Lenten season. The filled bags will be gathered on Easter Sunday morning. The bags of food will be given to the Homeless Coalition for distribution.
Smaller bags are being used this year to lighten the load. Please take a pack of two small bags (or more than one!) and practice with us this Lenten discipline of sharing with others.                                                                            
PALM SUNDAY ~ April 13   
     10:00AM Holy Eucharist
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. The procession with palms, which was already observed in Jerusalem in the fourth century, calls to mind the triumphal entry of Jesus, our Lord and King, into Jerusalem. This procession, which will begin outside the church, is fundamentally an act of worship, witness, and devotion to our Lord.
Palm Sunday is unique in having two Gospel readings. Originally there were two distinct liturgies. The palms were blessed, and the Triumphal Entry Gospel was read outside of the church building. The door of the church represented the gate through with Jesus entered the city.
The purpose of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem was to fulfill his Father’s will; thus it is fitting that this service continues with the reading of the Passion Gospel in which the whole story of the week is anticipated. The emphasis of the liturgy turns to the days that lie ahead in Holy Week. We who hail Jesus as king one moment, may in the next day deny him, even joining with the crowd in shouting, “Crucify him!”
     5:00PM – Seder dinner (RSVP by April 8th)
     7:00PM – Holy Eucharist, Foot-Washing and Stripping of the Altar
The name “Maundy” Thursday comes from a Latin word, “Mandatum” which means “command”. This is the day that commemorates the Last Supper in the Upper Room where Jesus commanded the disciples to “Love one Another” and then showed them an example of that love and humble service by washing their feet. Because this day commemorated the first “Last Supper” the Holy Eucharist is the centerpiece of the liturgy. After communion the altar is stripped. The stripping of the altar can be a very moving event as everything beautiful is removed from the sanctuary (the area around the altar). This process represents the stripping of our Lord as he was prepared for crucifixion. The altar is left bare until Easter Day. 
GOOD FRIDAY ~ April 18th   
     12:00Noon to 3:00PM – Stations of the Cross & Meditations on the Hour
The Good Friday vigil service begins with prayer, the Stations of the Cross and a silent time of reverence. Following are meditations on the hour, including appointed readings from Scripture, prayers, anthems offering our confessions and giving thanks for the sacrificial love of God in Christ, and homilies, followed by silent times of reflection and reverence. The cross is draped in black, and we depart in silence.
EASTER SUNDAY ~ April 20th   
     10:00AM Holy Eucharist
The Sunday of the Resurrection, when we declare “Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!” Through His miraculous resurrection, sin and death have been defeated and we have been reconciled to God.
Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord’s resurrection, may, by your life-giving Spirit, be delivered from sin and raised from death; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (BCP 2019, pg 609)
       On Sunday, April 28th our Bishop, The Right Reverend Alex Farmer and his wife Jody were with us for Confirmation and Reception.