In addition to serving within CTK, you are invited to explore ways to serve locally, nationally and internationally. Through the generous giving of the faithful here at CTK, the fifteen mission and ministry partners listed below are supported monthly. In addition to these mission and ministry partners supported monthly, CTK partners with Anglican Relief & Development for disaster relief, Gideons International, Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child, CMJ USA, Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County and others as needs arise.

   The Anglican Relief and Development Fund           Operation Christmas Child Logo                   Gideons International
                         Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County                                                   




Alpha-Omega Miracle Home provides housing, counseling and spiritual guidance, as well as education and employment assistance for the new faces of homelessness – single mothers, their children and senior women. Guided by caring and compassionate professionals, these women experience family and the miracle of home in a safe and supportive environment. Through this comprehensive program, the residents leave chaos and uncertainty behind to find purpose and prepare for a new beginning. Alpha-Omega Miracle Home is more than a place to stay, it’s a place to start.



“DEAFCHURCH TOGETHER” is an online liturgical expression of the Christian faith in the Anglican tradition.  The Rev. Dr. Bob Ayres is the founding pastor of this church, which is a mission of Servants of Christ Anglican Church in Gainesville, Florida and part of the Greenhouse Movement (ACNA).

Fr. Bob and Kathy Ayres have been involved in Deaf ministry since the middle 1980’s and in 2000, established Deaf Teen Quest (DTQ), now a national ministry model for Youth For Christ USA.  They have six adult children who came to them through adoption (two of whom are Deaf) and 12 delightful grandchildren!

Fr. Bob has published two books on Deaf ministry including DEAFCHURCH 21: Vision for a New Generation.  In May 2020, Fr. Bob launched an online weekly liturgical service in American Sign Language.  God has stirred up a vision in Fr. Bob’s heart for establishing a regional Deaf Liturgical Church movement based on the model of multiple sites as part of a single parish.  CTK is an Anchor Church in this movement to help establish in-person community in addition to the online worship. 



The mission of Good Samaritan Health Centers, Inc. is to advance the health and well-being of qualifying St. Johns County residents requiring medical and dental care. Our clinics seek to promote optimal health outcomes through direct patient services and individualized instruction in a caring, compassionate environment.Wildflower Healthcare

Good Samaritan Health Centers, Inc. provides free medical and dental services and health education to St. Johns County residents who are uninsured and whose income falls at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Clinics operated by the Good Samaritan Health Centers are open to all regardless of race, gender, religion or creed.

The mission of Grace Community Food Pantry is to assist in feeding Flagler County’s less fortunate until they are able to feed themselves. In partnership with Flagler County School District they work together to provide nourishment and reduce food insecurity in Flagler County. This is a Christian based ministry supported cross-denominationally and through various community organizations, governmental agencies, local businesses, and an ever-increasing number of individual supporters, volunteers and contributors.



In 2011, Somebody Cares St. Augustine joined forces with the St. Johns County School District to help provide for the over 500 homeless students in our county.  Since then, we have supplied shoes, clothes, handicapped equipment, and we have tried to meet every need that has been brought to us, and we want to continue to help these students who are staying in school under the most difficult circumstances.


The St. Francis House mission is to engage the homeless in achieving stability, self-sufficiency and a viable plan for their future by providing a safe, stable environment, access to essential services, supportive connections, and to advocate for changes that address the needs of the homeless population.

Services and programs include: Housing Crisis Center serving those facing the crisis of homelessness through programs at their Washington Street campus, providing emergency shelter, basic needs and housing-focused, case management services for individuals and families, a foundation of support and guidance that empowers people as they move back into self-sufficiency; SOS – Street Outreach Services – teams traveling throughout St. Johns County where the homeless live and congregate to develop trust and break down the barriers that keep the homeless from engaging, assisting with basic needs and providing a direct linkage to emergency shelter, permanent housing and supportive services; SOS – Youth Street Outreach – engaging youth living on the street with services that promote safety, well-being, self-sufficiency and permanent connections with caring adults, as well as addressing the immediate needs of food, clothing, crisis intervention support and community resource connections.






Anglicans for Life (AFL) is a ministry of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and internationally associated with some members of the Anglican Communion. AFL educates and provides pastoral resources on the right to life position on the issues of abortion, assisted suicide, elderly care, cloning and embryonic stem cell research. AFL also educates and provides pastoral resources on abstinence and adoption. The organization has volunteer Life Leaders in more than 100 parishes in the United States, Canada, Kenya and Uganda.



CAUSA is an organization of evangelists expressing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in tangible ways to bring transformation. Their commitment is to serving, reaching and loving broken, rejected, sad, disconnected and hurting people with a message of hope, love, and joy. They are at the center of evangelism and on the edges of society. They specialize in working outside of church buildings through addiction centers, urban farming, jails and prisons, café ministries, streets and back alleys, schools, senior centers, hospitals, nursing homes, housing developments and more.



Trinity School for Ministry is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition. In this fractured world, we desire to be a global center for Christian formation, producing outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. To this end we are forming Christian leaders for mission.

We welcome students and faculty who long for a Church that is evangelical in faith, catholic in order, and Spirit-driven in mission. We stand in the great Anglican Evangelical tradition that is rooted in the primacy of the scriptures and the doctrine of salvation by grace alone through faith alone, and which is foundationally expressed in the classic Book of Common Prayer. We are committed to serving the Church by preparing men and women to be leaders for its mission. We hold high standards of excellence in teaching and scholarship, believing that these will further both personal maturity and practical effectiveness in mission. We value the deep formation in Christian ministry that is possible in the residential degree programs of the school. We believe that the discipleship of the whole person is essential preparation for ministry and commit to foster in all our seminarians spiritual and emotional maturity, integrity, grace and holiness of life. We are committed to building a life-long community of learning among our graduates and other Christian leaders aimed at constantly improving their knowledge and ability as servants of Jesus Christ and His Church. We believe that “money follows ministry,” and therefore are accountable to our partners in ministry for careful stewardship of God’s money. We prayerfully rely on God’s provision and the generosity of His people in providing quality theological education at a reasonable cost for this and future generations. 

Fr. David, Deacon Barb and Mother Lang are all alumni of Trinity School for Ministry.  





AFM is committed to going where the need is greatest, planting biblically-based, multiplying, indigenous churches where the church is not yet established, among the 3 billion people and 7,000 unreached people groups still waiting to hear the gospel for the very first time.

Partnering with members of the worldwide Anglican Communion and other Christians who live near or among unreached peoples, AFM equips and sends short-term and long-term missionaries who harness the spiritually formational power, practices, and rhythms of the sacraments, liturgy and the prayer book tradition to disciple believers from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, animistic, and secular backgrounds.


CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY (CMS) David and Cathie Sandifer, Missionaries to Amsterdam, Netherlands

CMS is a fellowship of Christian people committed to cross-cultural mission. CMS works with churches to set apart, equip and support long-term workers who cross cultures to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Rev. David Sandifer and his wife Cathie, along with their children Annabelle and Josiah, are serving the Lord in Amsterdam, through CMS (Church Missionary Society). David and Cathie’s mission at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands is to help raise up a new generation of European leaders to equip and renew God’s church. David serves as a lecturer in Pastoral Ministry and Christian Ethics, and is particularly involved in seeking to equip students to deepen their biblical worldview in response to the challenges of contemporary secularism. Cathie is serving in pastoral care with students and in the local church. To read their latest update, click on their photo.

KENYA, MARSABIT DIOCESE – Bishop Daniel Qampicha

The Diocese of Marsabit spans a vast area in Northern Kenya. Prolonged drought has caused the loss of 80% of the livestock, leaving people starving and in a dire situation. Bishop Qampicha of this Diocese reports that immediate aid will help to feed the hungry. Additional ongoing needs are bicycles to help clergy cover the vast territory now being covered on foot, scholarships for students to attend high schools, and clergy stipends.




The Heart of Gold Widows and Orphans Development Foundation in Nigeria is a ministry that developed in response to the plight of those who suddenly become the breadwinners of their families due to the passing on of their husbands. The trauma they go through due to their inability to cope with this sudden responsibility is underlined by the factors of lack and societal negative perception of the widows, let alone the orphans who have lost both parents. The foundation is premised on the desire to relieve widows and orphans from the prevailing ill-treatment, neglect and stigmatization in the Nigerian societies in accordance with James 1:27 …Look after orphans and widows in their distress. Programs include sharing the love and knowledge of God, loan programs to enable widows to learn a trade and become self-sufficient, and scholarships to allow orphans to continue their education.


SOCIETY OF ANGLICAN MISSIONARIES AND SENDERS (SAMS) Mike and Kim Miller, Missionaries to Honduras

The Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders is a missionary sending community. SAMS’ mission is to raise up, send and support missionaries to be witnesses and make disciples of Jesus Christ in fellowship with the global Anglican Church. SAMS engages in building dynamic relationships with the worldwide church to see the broken restored, the wounded healed, the hungry fed and the lost found by sharing the love and power of Jesus Christ. SAMS exists as a direct response to Christ’s Great Commission and Great Command by helping to send Missionaries.

As SAMS missionaries serving in Honduras, Mike and Kim Miller founded the Hope of Jesus Children’s Home, a home committed to providing protection and daily care for orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children. They aspire to raise healthy boys and girls to become Christian leaders by implementing their four ministry pillars of faith, family, mercy and responsibility. Sixteen children currently live at the children’s home. They come from a wide variety of social and cultural backgrounds but share the need for stability and protection. Under the care and guidance of the housemothers, teachers, tutors, psychologists and the many others invested in their lives, the boys and girls have all grown significantly since their first days at the home. In time the capacity of the home will expand, and they will be able to offer more children refuge from their perilous circumstances. You can support this vital ministry by purchasing Hope Farm Coffee available for sale at the link below.



TEAM – The Evangelical Alliance Mission is a global missions agency that partners with the local church to send missionaries and establish reproducing churches among the nations, going where the most people have the most need and proclaiming the gospel in both word and action. We envision the church transforming our world. Founded more than 125 years ago, we partner with churches to send missionaries to work in evangelism, church planting, community development, healthcare, education, social justice, business as mission and many other areas of global missions. Today, more than 575 TEAM missionaries and staff serve in more than 35 countries. Go to the Nations. Be the body of Christ.

Through TEAM, CTK partners with Loren and Linda serving as cross-cultural workers in Southeast Asia. For their safety and protection, their last name is not disclosed. Please pray for them as they minister in this sensitive area, bringing the Good News of the Gospel to the unreached.