Daily Words To Ponder With Fr. David

Did you know that you can receive Daily Words to Ponder from Fr. David on the CTK church app? Simply click on “Stay Connected With Our App” at the bottom of this page and follow the prompts.

Daily Song Of Praise From Heather

Did you know that you can receive a Daily Song of Praise from Heather on the CTK church app? Simply click on “Stay Connected With Our App” at the bottom of this page and follow the prompts.


Catechism/Inquirer Classes

All are invited for this time of Christian discipleship, those who are new in their faith walk and those who are seeking to learn more about Anglicanism. All are welcome! This is a series of one-hour classes on Sundays after church for nine weeks. You are welcome to join at any time!

These classes will also provide the necessary teachings and requirements for those who will stand for Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation at a future date when the bishop will be present.
If you wish to participate, please call the church office at 904.460.2318 so that materials can be prepared for you.


Weekly Online Bible Study
Our next study will be “Life Lessons from 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus” by Max Lucado. This 12-week study delves into Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus as the early church was in transition. In these books, we will read letters from the apostle Paul to two young pastors following in his footsteps: Timothy who was facing all kinds of challenges and Titus who was shaping an early church. His practical words of wisdom are valuable keys to discipleship for us today as well.
We will begin soon on Wednesdays at 6:30PM via Zoom. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of the church or you can reach out to Deacon Barb at 724.344.9241 or chaplainbarbm@gmail.com or Terri at thusberg@bellsouth.net or 904.460.2318.
Please pray about joining us in this study journey. We look forward to having you join us!


Small Groups
Our prayer is that there will be a group for everyone so that the Body of Christ here at CTK will continue to be strengthened! Through fellowship, let’s be encouragers. Let’s build relationships and build each other up!
Small groups are presently meeting in both Palm Coast and St Augustine, for fellowship, meals, prayer, study and even a sewing ministry! Please contact the church office at 904.460.2318 if you would like to join a group or are interested in starting a group.

Daughters of the Holy Cross Daughters of the Holy Cross

The Daughters of the Holy Cross is an Order of women committed to making disciples and serving Jesus. The Order’s Rule of Life and four-fold vow consists of Prayer, Service, Study and Evangelism.


Daughters undergird the church by praying for the clergy, staff and congregation as well as studying the Word of God to grow in their faith.


Serving others and sharing the Gospel is part of how Daughters live out their rule of life. 

The Faith Chapter of the DHC here at CTK has 13 member daughters.
We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you as you determine if you are called to be part of the Order.
For additional information, you may visit the Daughters of the Holy Cross website https://daughtershc.org or contact Deacon Barb McMillen at 724-344-9241 or at chaplainbarbm@gmail.com.

Safeguarding Our People

We take the safety of the children entrusted in our care as a very serious responsibility; therefore, all volunteers working with preschoolers, children, or youth must be screened before they begin service. In compliance with our Gulf Atlantic Diocese, part of this screening involves training through Ministry Safe to help protect those in our care.
The Director of Safeguarding here at CTK is The Rev. Langdon Pegram.




Serving at CTK

Come use your gifts in ministry! You are invited to get connected and involved in the life of this parish.  The following is a description of lay ministries in need of volunteers:

Children & Youth
Sunday School Teacher ~ Do you have a passion for children and youth?  Teachers will first and foremost show the love of Christ to our children and youth, discipling them, helping them to grow in their knowledge and love of God, teaching them to live as loving, caring Christians that follow Jesus Christ, and showing them how to serve Christ in the world.  Individuals will teach the elementary (ages 5 through 5th grade) class on a rotating basis, with an assistant.  Class is held during the sermon time during the Sunday worship service.  The sermon message is available online via YouTube after the service.  Curriculum is provided.  MinistrySafe online training is required.
Sunday School Assistant ~ Our Diocese requires that there be a second adult present in the classroom that has completed the MinistrySafe online training.   Assistants are needed to serve on a rotating basis for the elementary class each Sunday.  No teaching or preparation is required, just a love for the children and youth and a willingness to be a second set of eyes and hands!  The sermon message is available online via YouTube after the service.

Nursery ~ Do you love children?  Volunteers are needed in the nursery to serve in teams of two on a rotating basis.  Come experience the joy of being with our wee ones once a month, or less if we get many wonderful volunteers like you!  We have a wonderful program and can’t wait to share it with you and the children.  Come see what God is doing in the hearts and minds of these precious little ones!  MinistrySafe online training is required.  The church service is available online via YouTube after the service. 

Music & Worship Ministry
Music Team ~ If you are musically talented and wish to share your gift in worship to the Lord, please contact Fr. David or Heather Allert.
Worship-Sound Technicians ~ Do you have technical skills and abilities? Workers are needed to manage the sound board and live streaming for Sunday worship and other special services.  Training is provided. An honorarium is provided.

Worship-Visual Technicians ~ Do you have computer skills or are proficient in PowerPoint? Do you have experience operating a video camera? Are you willing to learn? Volunteers are needed to prepare the PowerPoint for Sunday worship and other special services and/or to operate the computer and video camera during these services. Training is provided.

Sunday Servants
Acolyte & Crucifer ~ Acolytes and crucifers (all ages) serve on the altar at Sunday morning worship services on a rotating basis and at other special services.  Training is provided.
Altar Guild ~ Members of this guild work in teams on a rotating basis to carry out the very important ministry of preparing the altar for all services in the church.  Members also assist in the care of vestments, linens, silver, brass and other appointments.
Altar Flower Ministry ~ Altar flowers are an expression of our love for God as well as a means of glorifying His Name in all the earth (Psalm 9:9).  There are fresh flowers on the altar each Sunday, except during Lent when green plants adorn the altar.  Members of the team are scheduled each week to purchase and arrange the flowers.
Greeters ~ This ministry is a “front line” opportunity to welcome parishioners and visitors alike to Christ The King.  Teams serve on a rotating basis to not only welcome, but also to provide necessary information and guidance to those who need assistance.  Greeters create a first impression for newcomers, as they are oftentimes the first people newcomers will meet.  Greeting is a great opportunity to help our newcomers have a positive first impression of Christ The King!
Hospitality ~ Each Sunday after the worship service a wonderful team of servers graciously treats us to a time of refreshments and fellowship.  If you have been blessed with the gift of hospitality, please consider joining a team to serve once a month.
Ushers/Oblation Bearers ~ Teams, serving on a rotating basis, seat parishioners and guests, count those in attendance, present the oblations (bread and wine) at the altar, facilitate the offering collection, and direct those in attendance to the altar to receive Holy Communion.   In addition to the traditional usher duties, these teams serve to augment the parish greeters in welcoming all that come to worship.  Training is provided.
Facilities Care
Cleaning/Maintenance ~ Cleaners, carpenters, electricians, landscapers, painters, plumbers, etc. are all needed for the ongoing care and maintenance of the facilities on an as-needed basis.  Cleaning baseboards and washing windows on a regular basis are included. Interested and enthusiastic individuals of any skill level are invited to join this all-volunteer ministry!


Gardening and Grounds ~ Do you love planting, pruning, watering and weeding?  Be part of a team that tends to the beautiful site that God has blessed us with!


Kitchen Cleaning Crew ~ Are you an organizer or cleaner extraordinaire?  Come be part of a team that deep cleans the CTK kitchen quarterly!


Short-Term Missions  

Serving on a mission team is truly living out what Jesus calls us to do in Acts 1:8 “…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  There are opportunities for high school youth to adults to serve on a mission teams both in-country and internationally.


Special Events

CTK is known for hospitality.  It takes teams of those with the heart of hospitality to help with events, receptions and retreats!  Bake, cook, serve, move tables, create decorations, rally volunteers, clean-up, etc.

As you can see from the foregoing descriptions many of these ministries provide for individuals to serve as members of teams.  One of the many blessings resulting from participation is that over the course of your service deep and lasting relationships are formed with others in the body here at Christ The King.

You have a unique place to serve and contribute…

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…

Ephesians 4:11-12

Please be in touch if you have any questions or need assistance in finding your place to serve.



Membership at CTK

Membership means that you belong.

“…you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.  And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.  Ephesians 2:19-22

Why become a member?

  • Personal sense of belonging. By choosing to become a member, you are making a conscious choice to identify with and become part of this church family.
  • Personal voice and vote. Church members are given a clear voice and vote at all congregational meetings. Members participate in the church decision making: including voting on new leadership appointments and other matters as prescribed by the Parish bylaws and the Gulf Atlantic Diocesan Constitution and Canons. (Note: non-members are welcome to freely participate in all congregational meetings, but only members can vote.)
  • Personal significance. Becoming a member will open up new opportunities for you to serve in significant ministry roles within our church family.
  • Personal relationships. By actively identifying with our church, you will enter into new meaningful relationships you would not experience if you stay on the fringe of our church family.
  • Personal development. By committing yourself to becoming a member, you will have a greater focus to use and develop your gifts, abilities and serving skills and leadership within our church family.
  • Personal rewards. Your loving service within our church family will have eternal significance in your life and the lives of others. You will also experience the joy and reward of being part of what God is doing with and through our entire church family.
  • Personal accountability. By becoming a member of this church, you are committing yourself to a personal path of spiritual growth, Christian maturity and godly service. Through the relationships you choose to build, you may become more accountable to others in your spiritual journey.
If you are considering membership, please reach out to Fr. David at 904.377.3726 or FrDavid@ctkasa.com.